I am using the image targets technology and printing the target image and placing it on the floor. The width of the car should fit exactly in the direction of the QR code, but the rotation, postiton, and scale of the model that appears on the image are sometimes distorted.
How should I solve this problem? I will also show you the source code I used.
gltf-model="dracoDecoderPath: https://cdn.8thwall.com/web/aframe/draco-decoder/"
renderer="colorManagement: true"
xrweb="allowedDevices: any; scale: absolute">
<a-assets id="assetsContainer">
<a-asset-item id="carModel" src="car"></a-asset-item>
position="0 4 4"
raycaster="objects: .cantap"
cursor="fuse: false; rayOrigin: mouse;">
<xrextras-named-image-target name="code" keep-visible>
<!-- Add a child entity of the image target. -->
position="0 0.5 0"
rotation="90 0 0"
reflections="type: static;"
shadow="receive: false">
belowing components is showing model
const initialIntroduceComponent = {
init() {
const car = document.getElementById('car')
const showImage = ({detail}) => {
car.object3D.visible = true
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimagefound', showImage)
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimageupdated', showImage)
export {initialIntroduceComponent}
and last code is related about prevent image lost
const keepVisibleComponent = {
init() {
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimagelost', () => {
this.el.object3D.visible = true
export {keepVisibleComponent}
As I saw, I have a similar issue with this article
so I refering this article to my project but nothing changed. Since this is an issue that must be resolved, we eagerly await the developer’s response. thank you