Working with a mask

Such a question, I decided to insert my cap, why is it not visible?

<!-- Copyright (c) 2022 8th Wall, Inc. -->
<!-- body.html is optional; elements will be added to your html body after app.js is loaded. -->

  physics="driver: ammo"
  xrface="mirroredDisplay: true; cameraDirection: front; allowedDevices: any">
  <!-- Assets block loading of the scene until they are fetched. -->
    <a-asset-item id="pirate-hat" src="./assets/Models/pa_Man_1.glb"></a-asset-item>
    <a-asset-item id="head-occluder" src="./assets/Models/head-occluder.glb"></a-asset-item>



    look-controls="enabled: false"
    wasd-controls="enabled: false"
    position="0 1.6 0"></a-camera>

      Prevents the rendering of models behind head. This must be in the scene
      before any other models you want to occlude.       
      position="0 0 0.25"
      scale="1.2 1.1 1.35"
      rotation="-6 0 0">
        position="0 0 -0.1"
        ammo-body="type: static"
        ammo-shape="type: sphere; fit: manual; sphereRadius: 0.1">

    <!-- face occluder -->
    <xrextras-face-mesh xrextras-hider-material></xrextras-face-mesh>

    <!-- pirate hat -->
    <a-entity gltf-model="#pirate-hat" position="0 0.55 0.2" scale="5 5 5" rotation="-10 0 0">

    <!-- physics chain -->

  <a-light type="directional" target="#face" position="0 1.8 3" intensity="0.8"></a-light>
  <a-light type="ambient" intensity="0.5"></a-light>

It sounds like you’ve just updated the pirate-hat asset with your own GLB model – is that correct? Can you share the model with us?