XR Overlay: Figuring out how to show OpenAI Module in XR

Been working on OpenAI’s module from 8thWall for awhile now and wanted to integrate that over to XR but there doesn’t seem to be much documentation on how the XR overlay system will work. I will just need whatever are the OpenAI Module elements to be present in XR if that’s possible.

Hello! Have you had a chance to look over the module README? Once the module is imported into a project, you can select it from the left sidebar, then click on README to view the documentation:

Hello Evan, I’ve gone through that intensively. Maybe because I’m new to how modules work, there’s not much I can do to call it. My experiments have led me to calling the elements individually on my css and that works but my question focuses on how do we instantiate it in an XR environment.

Right now the joystick project has a plane and the html elements appear on top of that in XR, however, the openAI overlays do not appear.

My question is two fold;

  1. Is there any documentation on how we can have web elements appear in XR
  2. Why isn’t the openAI overlay appearing in XR?

Appreciate the help!

Checking in again on this @Evan as the reply so far has not aided us at all, unfortunately. I would not be asking here if there were more information from the documentation. But happy to share my findings after we’ve figured it out for the community that wants cross-platform compatibility, especially with XR.