XR8 is not defined

I am on a PRO plan. I am unable to understand why XR8 is undefined, and there are no docs regarding this. It was working fine 3 days ago. The project is self hosted and deployed.

Hi @Ritesh_Bucha, our team is investigating the issue and we will follow up in this thread once the issue has been resolved. For the time being, we have rolled back the engine version for the project specified in your team’s email to support@8thwall.com

We released a new version of the engine which handle A-frame lifecycle loads a bit differently. Do you still see your issue on there?

Can you share your A-frame html code that you used that get into this issue?

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.5.0/aframe.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-extras@7.4.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script>

Using this aframe version 1.5.0 and using its extras

I am sorry but I can’t reproduce your issue with what you have shared.

The best ways to get a reproducible issue is to either

  1. Point to an 8th Wall example on Clone WebAR, AR, WebVR Sample Projects | 8th Wall that has the same issue.
  2. Use 8th Wall hosting and contact customer support so they can look at your code.
  3. Simplify your code into the barebone that reproduce the issue, then put that code on an open location (e.g. codepen, glitchme)
8th Wall Web: Tap to place
<!-- We've included a slightly modified version of A-Frame, which fixes some polish concerns -->
<script src="//cdn.8thwall.com/web/aframe/8frame-1.5.0.min.js"></script>

<!-- XR Extras - provides utilities like load screen, almost there, and error handling.
     See github.com/8thwall/web/tree/master/xrextras -->
<script src="//cdn.8thwall.com/web/xrextras/xrextras.js"></script>

<!-- Landing Pages - see https://www.8thwall.com/docs/web/#landing-pages -->
<script src='//cdn.8thwall.com/web/landing-page/landing-page.js'></script>

<!-- 8thWall Web - Replace the app key here with your own app key -->
<script async src="//apps.8thwall.com/xrweb?appKey=xxxx"></script>

<script src="/test/tap-place.js"></script>
  <!-- We can define assets here to be loaded when A-Frame initializes -->
    <!-- Credit to Poly by Google for the model: https://poly.google.com/view/6pwiq7hSrHr -->
    <a-asset-item id="treeModel" src="/test/tree.glb"></a-asset-item>

  <!-- The raycaster will emit mouse events on scene objects specified with the cantap class -->
    position="0 8 0"
    raycaster="objects: .cantap"
      fuse: false;
      rayOrigin: mouse;">

      type: directional;
      intensity: 0.8;
      castShadow: true;
      shadowCameraTop: 20;
      shadowCameraBottom: -20;
      shadowCameraRight: 20;
      shadowCameraLeft: -20;
      target: #camera"
    xrextras-attach="target: camera; offset: 8 15 4"
    position="1 4.3 2.5"

  <a-light type="ambient" intensity="0.5"></a-light>

  <!-- Adding the cantap class allows the ground to be clicked -->
    scale="1000 2 1000"
    position="0 -1 0"
    material="shader: shadow; transparent: true; opacity: 0.4"

so this is the code from one of your examples, Placeground.
If I change the a-frame version from 1.5.0 to 1.3.0, then there is another error, which may not cause trouble in this project, but it sure does in mine.
Please inform me if this still doesn’t help you replicate the issue

You mentioned you found this example on 8th Wall website. Can you please link to it?

The code you included is incomplete. The 2nd code block does not include the a-scene tag you used. I can’t tell what config you pass to xrweb if I don’t see that tag.

The closest example on 8th Wall website which I found that looks like your code is “A-Frame: Tap to Place Ground” A-Frame: Tap to Place Ground | 8th Wall | 8th Wall. I tested that project just now on my iPhone 15 running engine version 26 and it’s working.

The example is not from 8th wall website, it’s one of your examples listed in the github repository. My project is locally hosted.

I looked at the github page which links to this experience A-Frame: Tap to Place Ground. I tried it on my phone and I couldn’t reproduce a problem.

Which phone, OS version and browser version did you use?
If you try the hosted experience, A-Frame: Tap to Place Ground, on your phone, can you reproduce the problem?

I have been trying on my MacOS, chrome.
Have you tried running the project by importing it locally? There is no problem when using the projects from the 8th wall website.
I am trying with vanilla js to host.

This issue should be fixed on all versions of A-Frame with the latest engine version ( Please let us know if you uncover any other issues!

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