8thwall Partner Network Latam

Idea to support talent in latam.

User 8thwall Embassadors in each counter to connect and find possible Partners in latam that have the capacity to produce an XR experience omfor 8thwall clients.

As Niantic have done with Marketing Agencies in the past but for indie developers or team of freelancer.

In latam there is so much talent, but is hard to close a deal in usd and beat social AR. The reality is that visualization depends on the marketing you do on the project, so you might not be good in marketing as a developer.

It would be nice to test this initiative and create a talent pool where compnies can submit idea projects and have the ability to see proposals from the latam networks.

Probably because is latam the cost lowers since here in a budget of US or Europe you can hire more talent.

Just saying! Looking forward to make 8thwall development something I can monetize besides Hackatons / challenges.

And make this opportunity more open to everyone so more people can benefit from the technology.

Kudos to the team and looking forward to help grow this community