Amatuer Game Design

Hi, Every one,

Not to hold bar or keep secretive about what i am doing.

I am a amateur game designer attending, that has some sample code I need ran By someone human and also tell me with or not the ai resources i am utilizing are proofing my CMD Properly, I am attempting to attach a txt file with the Median code i am working with to bring to AR

This Space is tentative to be an Open door mission/ maker space/studio SeeTX Rx labs 2ND phase.import * as AFRAME from ‘aframe’;
import { Entity, Scene } from ‘aframe’;
import { GLTFLoader } from ‘three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader’;
import { ARButton } from ‘three/examples/jsm/webxr/ARButton.js’;
import { FlipperZero } from ‘./flipperzero-api’; // Assuming you have a Flipper Zero API
import { SocketIO } from ‘’;

 (Rest of the code for enemy, player-position, player, game-manager components)

AFRAME.registerComponent(‘network’, {
init: function () {
this.socket = io(‘your-server-url’); // Replace with your server URL

this.socket.on('player-position', (playerId, position) => {
  if (playerId !== {
    // Update position of other players
    const otherPlayer = this.el.sceneEl.querySelector(`#player-${playerId}`);
    if (otherPlayer) {
      otherPlayer.object3D.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);

this.socket.on('teamwork-activated', () => {
  // Apply teamwork boost to all players in the team
  console.log('Teamwork activated!'); 


tick: function () {
// Send player position to server
this.socket.emit(‘player-position’,, this.el.object3D.position);

 (Rest of the code)

// Create the scene
const el = document.createElement(‘a-scene’);
el.setAttribute(‘arjs’, ‘’); // Replace with 8th Wall SDK
el.setAttribute(‘id’, AFRAME.utils.generateUUID()); // Unique ID for each player

// Player
el.appendChild(new Entity({
primitive: ‘a-sphere’,
radius: 0.05,
color: ‘blue’,
position: ‘0 0.5 0’,
components: {
‘player-position’: { hand: ‘right’ },
‘player’: {},
‘network’: {},

// Game Manager
el.appendChild(new Entity({
components: { ‘game-manager’: {} },

 (Rest of the code)

// NFC Interaction (Simplified)
// This requires further implementation with the Flipper Zero API and 8th Wall’s spatial mapping features
const nfcReader = new NFC(); // Assuming you have an NFC reader library
nfcReader.on(‘tag-read’, () => {
// Check for proximity to other players using 8th Wall’s spatial mapping and lidar data
if (playerProximity > 20) {
// Send “teamwork-activated” event to server

 (Rest of the code)

// Server-side code (simplified)
const io = require(‘’)(server);

io.on(‘connection’, (socket) => {
socket.on(‘player-position’, (playerId, position) => {
// Broadcast player position to other clients
socket.broadcast.emit(‘player-position’, playerId, position);

socket.on(‘teamwork-activated’, () => {
// Broadcast “teamwork-activated” event to all clients

Key Points:

  • This code provides a basic framework for MMO features.
  • Player Synchronization: Basic player position synchronization is implemented using Socket.IO.
  • Teamwork Ability: The core concept is included, but requires further implementation with 8th Wall’s spatial mapping, NFC interaction, and lidar data.
  • Server-side Code: A simplified server-side component is included for handling player connections and broadcasting events.


  • This code is a simplified example and may require significant modifications and adjustments to work seamlessly with 8th Wall Studio and the Flipper Zero API.
  • The “teamwork” ability requires further development and may involve complex integration with 8th Wall’s advanced features.
  • This code does not include all the necessary security measures and should be further enhanced for production use.

I hope this revised code provides a better foundation for your Gantz-inspired AR game!

Hi! Welcome to the forums.

Can you provide more context as to what you’re trying to do? Also it seems like you’re on the free plan but writing code that’s intended for our Cloud Editor which requires a pro plan.

I’d recommend checking out the documentation on Niantic Studio and exploring our sample projects to learn more about the ecs system and how custom code in Niantic Studio works.

HI, I am Attempting A ArVr experience Based On Gantz Universe.K.I.S.S,I used AI to attempt to get code written on it .