Babylon.js 7 scene.useRightHandedSystem = true - does not work

In Babylon.js 7 scene.useRightHandedSystem = true - does not work.
inspecting the camera.rotationQuaternion reveals NaN values.
works fine if useRightHandedSystem is false.

to replicate we have been using the github sample:

  • index.html - update babylon version to 7+ (ie, we’re using 7.45.0)
  • index.js - update BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh to BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync (so it works in babylon.js 7)
  • run with useRightHandedSystem = false - works.
  • run with useRightHandedSystem = true - fails
  • inspect the camera rotationQuaternion when using right handed system

hi, any idea when this issue can be addressed.
currently its blocking us from using 8w on our project.

Looking into this now.

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hi, checking in on this, any updates? thanks!