Hi everyone, as titled I am logging all the bugs here.
Highway Swayers - https://www.8thwall.com/kumpenghan/130924 it is a hyper casual car driving game.
The bugs are
- Font - I was unable to use “Press Start 2p” in the game. Picking that font will end up loading another font. This font was able to be used from another game I built later.
- Red floating texture that will disappear after several seconds. I suspected it’s a particle emitter - Confirmed to be particle emitter. No bugs.
- Position Animation works in browser but not in mobile. I used this to create the illusion of vibration while the car is running on roads. I can’t screenshot this as it defeats the purpose.
- UI Element’s layout in 3D is working in mobile but not in browser.
Left is browser and right is mobile
- UI Element’s layout in 3D with a png format image with transparent background still casts shadow on inside the game. I had to write a line of code to set a new Position when the game starts.
- Can’t get particle effects to work in sprite.
- Shadow works on some 3D object and does not work on other 3D object. I used the road 3D model and it doesn’t receive shadow anymore. In the screenshot above, you can clearly see the shadow casted on the road - The road used was the same 3D model in dragon dash. Unfortunately I deleted the other road I used but the road was downloaded from here.
Tilt Pinball - A casual pinball game https://kumpenghan.8thwall.app/250924/
The bugs are
- Sound does not play on mobile. Sound plays fine in browser but not mobile. I checked the script, there is no line of code that should prevent this.
- Face items are always in front of non face 3D items no matter how you arrange them on the axis.
- You cannot rotate lights using Rotate Animation. I checked using a box - The box was rotating but the light using a point light does not rotate with it.
- Unable to use boxes with Physics Collider to cause momentum to other objects with Physics Collider - As a pinball game, I initially wanted the left and right flippers to just flick and hit the pinball back up but it does not create the momentum. Perhaps I it was something I missed?
- Flying through physics colliders if having enough momentum. The pinball would sometimes fly and penetrate walls in the game although the physics collider is there. I am not sure if it is a bug or a common phenomenon in game development.
- Scale Animation and Position Animation would occasionally stop running in game. I did not have any line of code to cause this.
Perhaps I have missed out 1 or 2 more bugs but this are those I logged down while developing for the challenge. I understand the platform is still in beta, therefore I believe all this would be helpful for the Niantic Studio devs.
Feel free to reach out to me if I could be of any assistance.