Character texture glitching and SPZ Editing

Hello Niantic Team,

So far, I’m loving the experiencing of creating my own little interactive diorama for the holidays with a splat and my own character. I have two issues to ask about.
One is that my wee penguin is showing up with transparency when it shouldn’t and opaque at very specific camera angles. Is this a bug? He was created in Nomad Sculpt, rigged in Accurig, and exported as a GLB from Blender and I’ve already checked to see if the normals were flipped. He shows up fine in every other app.
For the SPZ itself which I captured directly within Scaniverse, is there an internal or external tool we can use to clean up all the excess visual noise like one can do with a mesh or PLY format? Also, as someone who’s new to the VPS platform and coming from the Adobe Aero geolocated universe, will my scan eventually show up on the VPS map if I’ve made it public?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide!

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Here’s what Jimmy the Death Stranding Penguin is supposed to look like.

Hey Kevin,

Welcome to the forums! Love the Penguin rocking an Odradek!

Weird that the model is showing up so strangley, would you be able to share your project with the support workspace so I can take a look?

There isn’t any tools right now, that I know of, to edit SPZs but with the recent open-sourcing of SPZ I expect a lot of tools to be popping up in the coming months.

Your scan won’t show up on the GSB (VPS Map), you’ll have to connect your Scaniverse account and create a new location / upload scans for existing locations. The GSB Map is seperate from the Scaniverse map.

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Hi George!

Thanks so much for your guidance :pray: It’s actually because of you that we have Jimmy the Penguin running around this splat because I’ve been following diligently along with your awesome YouTube workshop! The fun thing I’d like to build in as an embedded flying animation when you press the screen but I’m not a programmer. And instead of coins, it’s little goldfish that spawn but they’re showing up too far away for Jimmy to collide with.
I’m happy to share the project with you but since I’m a forum noob, I don’t know what the address is for the Support workspace. I’ve gone back into Blender to see if it’s a normals or alpha issue and re-imported the GLB, but nothing seems to change.
I’ve also made sure to submit the location of the splat to the GSB map, but I think I have to wait on approval so I can connect my account and upload the scan.
Again, I really appreciate all your help and responsiveness. Jimmy can’t wait to fly and create bridges across this land! Please enjoy a reel of him doing just that: bingko on Instagram: "Jimmy is doing some runway tests before venturing out in the tundra Made with love in @gravitysketch , @nomadsculpt , @reallusionofficial and Blender"

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Hi @GeorgeButler, I’m sure you’ve been swamped in projects but just curious if you got a chance to take a gander at mine, fishes and all. Since sharing it with you, I just scaled up the collider so fish could be caught. In regards to the transparency, I’ve noticed that model’s texture turns opaque only when the angle of the browser camera is below the plane of the SPZ itself. I don’t know if that’s a known issue or not.
Sadly, my statue scan for a Niantic Wayspot on the GSB didn’t pass the vibe check so I guess I’ll have to stay local with my Scaniverse splat unless I’m missing something there.
Thanks again for being so helpful and patient!

Hey Kevin! I’d be happy to take a look, but before I can sync to see the changes you’ve made you need to land your changes.

Thank you in advance for taking a look see George! I appreciate the heads up with landing changes, and have just done so for you.

Hey Kevin!

Here’s an update for you:

I looked into your penguin model, and it does seem unusual that the normals appear to be reversed. To further investigate, I uploaded the model to, which uses the same rendering engine (three.js) as we do. If the issue shows up there as well, we’ll know it’s related to the asset itself rather than our editor.

I’ll continue looking into it on my end. In the meantime, I’d recommend checking out the Blender forums for insights on what might cause a .glb to render this way.

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Thank you kindly for going down that rabbit for me George! That’s also a very handy resource to have in regards to look at GLTFs. I’m going back to the very beginning to see if there’s a texture issue I’m overlooking meanwhile. Regardless, it’s been fun putting this little diorama together.

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