Hi everyone,
I’m working on a location-based AR experience and need some advice. I created a wayspot and scanned it a few times to activate VPS. The activation was successful, but the resulting Gaussian splat is extremely fragmented, making the location unrecognizable. Below, you’ll find pictures comparing the actual location with the splat. Additionally, the splat seems to be rotated 90° on both the x and y axes.
I’m suspecting this issue might be due to: a) The height of the entrance gate. b) The large glass front behind the gate (notice: behind the columns)
I’m wondering how to resolve this and make the location usable for the AR experience. Would more scans help correct the splat? Or is the fragmentation permanent since it’s already VPS activated? Is there any workaround to still create a location-based experience in this spot? This is for a commissioned AR art project, so relocating isn’t an option.
Thanks in advance for any help or ideas!
Hi Susanne,
Thanks for sharing the details! Could you provide a bit more context? I see that the resulting mesh is very fragmented, but have you tested the localization at the site? The visual fragmentation of the mesh isn’t always the best indicator of how well localization will work.
To answer your question, yes, more scans will definitely improve the quality of the location. I agree with your observations about the entrance gate height and the large glass front potentially contributing to the difficulty. Thankfully, the fragmentation isn’t permanent—our VPS system will merge your scans together. By adding more scans, you’ll fill in the gaps and enhance the mesh.
Hi George, thanks for your response. We’ve added another 10 splats to the VPS location. The 3D model changed but it’s still extremely fragmented, just in a different way now, and it still seems to be rotated 90 degree on the z axis.
What I don’t understand is that all additional splats looked good individually (see screenshot from Scaniverse), but once they had been uploaded and the VPS location reactivated, the model was fragmented nevertheless.
Can you think of any solution for this?
Providing some more context to complement my previous message: For this project it’s crucial to have a fair splat that I can work with in Studio because the AR experience is supposed to be attached to the building. It’s good to know that the localization might work despite the fragmented splat but I’ll need something to work with in Studio nevertheless.
Regarding your question: By testing the localization at the site, do you mean the “test VPS” button in the GSB? If so, then no, I couldn’t test it. For the last couple of days, I’ve been getting this error message when tapping the location in the GSB, which didn’t allow me to check anything:
The error code is this:
RangeError: Invalid time value
at y (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1053997)
at t.ScanProgressBar (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/6481.bundle.js:1:137159)
at _a (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1718740)
at _c (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1775595)
at wu (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1764747)
at vu (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1764675)
at gu (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1764538)
at au (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1761345)
at ou (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1759897)
at x (https://www.8thwall.com/static/deployment/37f66fcb/main.bundle.js:2:1786660)