A frame gif shader
/** *** */ (function (modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/** *** */ // The module cache
/** *** */ const installedModules = {}
/** *** */ // The require function
/** *** */ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/** *** */ // Check if module is in cache
/** *** */ if (installedModules[moduleId])
/** *** */ {
return installedModules[moduleId].exports
/** *** */ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/** *** */ const module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/** *** */ exports: {},
/** *** */ id: moduleId,
/** *** */ loaded: false,
/** *** */}
/** *** */ // Execute the module function
/** *** */ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__)
/** *** */ // Flag the module as loaded
/** *** */ module.loaded = true
/** *** */ // Return the exports of the module
/** *** */ return module.exports
/** *** */ }
/** *** */ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/** *** */ __webpack_require__.m = modules
/** *** */ // expose the module cache
/** *** */ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules
/** *** */ // __webpack_public_path__
/** *** */ __webpack_require__.p = ''
/** *** */ // Load entry module and return exports
/** *** */ return __webpack_require__(0)
/** *** */ }([
/* 0 */
/***/ function (module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
const _typeof = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol' ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj
} : function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === 'function' && obj.constructor === Symbol ? 'symbol' : typeof obj
const _gifsparser = __webpack_require__(1)
if (typeof AFRAME === 'undefined') {
throw 'Component attempted to register before AFRAME was available.'
/* get util from AFRAME */
const {parseUrl} = AFRAME.utils.srcLoader
const {debug} = AFRAME.utils
// debug.enable('shader:gif:*')
const warn = debug('shader:gif:warn')
const log = debug('shader:gif:debug')
/* store data so that you won't load same data */
const gifData = {}
/* create error message */
function createError(err, src) {
return {status: 'error', src, message: err, timestamp: Date.now()}
AFRAME.registerShader('gif', {
* For material component:
* @see https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/blob/60d198ef8e2bfbc57a13511ae5fca7b62e01691b/src/components/material.js
* For example of `registerShader`:
* @see https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/blob/41a50cd5ac65e462120ecc2e5091f5daefe3bd1e/src/shaders/flat.js
* For MeshBasicMaterial
* @see http://threejs.org/docs/#Reference/Materials/MeshBasicMaterial
schema: {
/* For material */
color: {type: 'color'},
fog: {default: true},
/* For texuture */
src: {default: null},
autoplay: {default: true},
transparent: {default: false},
* Initialize material. Called once.
* @protected
init: function init(data) {
log('init', data)
this.__transparent = data.transparent
this.__cnv = document.createElement('canvas')
this.__cnv.width = 2
this.__cnv.height = 2
this.__ctx = this.__cnv.getContext('2d')
this.__texture = new THREE.Texture(this.__cnv) // renders straight from a canvas
this.__material = {}
this.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: this.__texture})
return this.material
* Update or create material.
* @param {object|null} oldData
update: function update(oldData) {
log('update', oldData)
return this.material
* Called on each scene tick.
* @protected
tick: function tick(t) {
if (!this.__frames || this.paused()) return
if (Date.now() - this.__startTime >= this.__nextFrameTime) {
// ================================
// = material =
// ================================
* Updating existing material.
* @param {object} data - Material component data.
__updateMaterial: function __updateMaterial(data) {
const {material} = this
const newData = this.__getMaterialData(data)
Object.keys(newData).forEach((key) => {
material[key] = newData[key]
* Builds and normalize material data, normalizing stuff along the way.
* @param {Object} data - Material data.
* @return {Object} data - Processed material data.
__getMaterialData: function __getMaterialData(data) {
return {
fog: data.fog,
color: new THREE.Color(data.color),
// ==============================
// = texure =
// ==============================
* set texure
* @private
* @param {Object} data
* @property {string} status - success / error
* @property {string} src - src url
* @property {array} times - array of time length of each image
* @property {number} cnt - total counts of gif images
* @property {array} frames - array of each image
* @property {Date} timestamp - created at the texure
__setTexure: function __setTexure(data) {
log('__setTexure', data)
if (data.status === 'error') {
warn(`Error: ${data.message}\nsrc: ${data.src}`)
} else if (data.status === 'success' && data.src !== this.__textureSrc) {
/* Texture added or changed */
* Update or create texure.
* @param {Object} data - Material component data.
__updateTexture: function __updateTexture(data) {
const {src} = data
const {autoplay} = data
/* autoplay */
if (typeof autoplay === 'boolean') {
this.__autoplay = autoplay
} else if (typeof autoplay === 'undefined') {
this.__autoplay = true
if (this.__autoplay && this.__frames) {
/* src */
if (src) {
this.__validateSrc(src, this.__setTexure.bind(this))
} else {
/* Texture removed */
// =============================================
// = varidation for texure =
// =============================================
__validateSrc: function __validateSrc(src, cb) {
/* check if src is a url */
const url = parseUrl(src)
if (url) {
this.__getImageSrc(url, cb)
let message = void 0
/* check if src is a query selector */
const el = this.__validateAndGetQuerySelector(src)
if (!el || (typeof el === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(el)) !== 'object') {
if (el.error) {
message = el.error
} else {
const tagName = el.tagName.toLowerCase()
if (tagName === 'video') {
src = el.src
message = 'For video, please use `aframe-video-shader`'
} else if (tagName === 'img') {
this.__getImageSrc(el.src, cb)
} else {
message = `For <${tagName}> element, please use \`aframe-html-shader\``
/* if there is message, create error data */
if (message) {
(function () {
const srcData = gifData[src]
const errData = createError(message, src)
/* callbacks */
if (srcData && srcData.callbacks) {
srcData.callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(errData))
} else {
/* overwrite */
gifData[src] = errData
* Validate src is a valid image url
* @param {string} src - url that will be tested
* @param {function} cb - callback with the test result
__getImageSrc: function __getImageSrc(src, cb) {
const _this = this
/* if src is same as previous, ignore this */
if (src === this.__textureSrc) {
/* check if we already get the srcData */
let srcData = gifData[src]
if (!srcData || !srcData.callbacks) {
/* create callback */
srcData = gifData[src] = {callbacks: []}
} else if (srcData.src) {
} else if (srcData.callbacks) {
/* add callback */
const tester = new Image()
tester.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'
tester.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
/* check if it is gif */
_this.__getUnit8Array(src, (arr) => {
if (!arr) {
onError('This is not gif. Please use `shader:flat` instead')
/* parse data */
(0, _gifsparser.parseGIF)(arr, (times, cnt, frames) => {
/* store data */
const newData = {status: 'success', src, times, cnt, frames, timestamp: Date.now()}
/* callbacks */
if (srcData.callbacks) {
srcData.callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(newData))
/* overwrite */
gifData[src] = newData
}, err => onError(err))
tester.addEventListener('error', e => onError('Could be the following issue\n - Not Image\n - Not Found\n - Server Error\n - Cross-Origin Issue'))
function onError(message) {
/* create error data */
const errData = createError(message, src)
/* callbacks */
if (srcData.callbacks) {
srcData.callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(errData))
/* overwrite */
gifData[src] = errData
tester.src = src
* get mine type
__getUnit8Array: function __getUnit8Array(src, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open('GET', src)
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
xhr.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(e.target.response)
const arr = uint8Array.subarray(0, 4)
// const header = arr.map(value => value.toString(16)).join('')
let header = ''
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
header += arr[i].toString(16)
if (header === '47494638') {
} else {
xhr.addEventListener('error', (e) => {
* Query and validate a query selector,
* @param {string} selector - DOM selector.
* @return {object} Selected DOM element | error message object.
__validateAndGetQuerySelector: function __validateAndGetQuerySelector(selector) {
try {
const el = document.querySelector(selector)
if (!el) {
return {error: 'No element was found matching the selector'}
return el
} catch (e) {
// Capture exception if it's not a valid selector.
return {error: 'no valid selector'}
// ================================
// = playback =
// ================================
* add public functions
* @private
__addPublicFunctions: function __addPublicFunctions() {
this.el.gif = {
play: this.play.bind(this),
pause: this.pause.bind(this),
togglePlayback: this.togglePlayback.bind(this),
paused: this.paused.bind(this),
nextFrame: this.nextFrame.bind(this),
* Pause gif
* @public
pause: function pause() {
this.__paused = true
* Play gif
* @public
play: function play() {
this.__paused = false
* Toggle playback. play if paused and pause if played.
* @public
togglePlayback: function togglePlayback() {
if (this.paused()) {
} else {
* Return if the playback is paused.
* @public
* @return {boolean}
paused: function paused() {
return this.__paused
* Go to next frame
* @public
nextFrame: function nextFrame() {
/* update next frame time */
while (Date.now() - this.__startTime >= this.__nextFrameTime) {
this.__nextFrameTime += this.__delayTimes[this.__frameIdx++]
if ((this.__infinity || this.__loopCnt) && this.__frameCnt <= this.__frameIdx) {
/* go back to the first */
this.__frameIdx = 0
// ==============================
// = canvas =
// ==============================
* clear canvas
* @private
__clearCanvas: function __clearCanvas() {
this.__ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.__width, this.__height)
this.__texture.needsUpdate = true
* draw
* @private
__draw: function __draw() {
if (this.__transparent) {
this.__ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.__width, this.__height)
this.__ctx.drawImage(this.__frames[this.__frameIdx], 0, 0, this.__width, this.__height)
this.__texture.needsUpdate = true
// ============================
// = ready =
// ============================
* setup gif animation and play if autoplay is true
* @private
* @property {string} src - src url
* @param {array} times - array of time length of each image
* @param {number} cnt - total counts of gif images
* @param {array} frames - array of each image
__ready: function __ready(_ref) {
const {src} = _ref
const {times} = _ref
const {cnt} = _ref
const {frames} = _ref
this.__textureSrc = src
this.__delayTimes = times
cnt ? this.__loopCnt = cnt : this.__infinity = true
this.__frames = frames
this.__frameCnt = times.length
this.__startTime = Date.now()
this.__width = THREE.Math.floorPowerOfTwo(frames[0].width)
this.__height = THREE.Math.floorPowerOfTwo(frames[0].height)
this.__cnv.width = this.__width
this.__cnv.height = this.__height
if (this.__autoplay) {
} else {
// =============================
// = reset =
// =============================
* @private
__reset: function __reset() {
this.__startTime = 0
this.__nextFrameTime = 0
this.__frameIdx = 0
this.__frameCnt = 0
this.__delayTimes = null
this.__infinity = false
this.__loopCnt = 0
this.__frames = null
this.__textureSrc = null
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function (module, exports) {
* Gif parser by @gtk2k
* https://github.com/gtk2k/gtk2k.github.io/tree/master/animation_gif
exports.parseGIF = function (gif, successCB, errorCB) {
let pos = 0
const delayTimes = []
let loadCnt = 0
let graphicControl = null
var imageData = null
const frames = []
let loopCnt = 0
if (gif[0] === 0x47 && gif[1] === 0x49 && gif[2] === 0x46 && // 'GIF'
gif[3] === 0x38 && gif[4] === 0x39 && gif[5] === 0x61) {
// '89a'
pos += 13 + +!!(gif[10] & 0x80) * Math.pow(2, (gif[10] & 0x07) + 1) * 3
const gifHeader = gif.subarray(0, pos)
while (gif[pos] && gif[pos] !== 0x3b) {
const offset = pos
const blockId = gif[pos]
if (blockId === 0x21) {
const label = gif[++pos]
if ([0x01, 0xfe, 0xf9, 0xff].indexOf(label) !== -1) {
label === 0xf9 && delayTimes.push((gif[pos + 3] + (gif[pos + 4] << 8)) * 10)
label === 0xff && (loopCnt = gif[pos + 15] + (gif[pos + 16] << 8))
while (gif[++pos]) {
pos += gif[pos]
}label === 0xf9 && (graphicControl = gif.subarray(offset, pos + 1))
} else {
errorCB && errorCB('parseGIF: unknown label'); break
} else if (blockId === 0x2c) {
pos += 9
pos += 1 + +!!(gif[pos] & 0x80) * (Math.pow(2, (gif[pos] & 0x07) + 1) * 3)
while (gif[++pos]) {
pos += gif[pos]
} var imageData = gif.subarray(offset, pos + 1)
frames.push(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([gifHeader, graphicControl, imageData])))
} else {
errorCB && errorCB('parseGIF: unknown blockId'); break
} else {
errorCB && errorCB('parseGIF: no GIF89a')
if (frames.length) {
let cnv = document.createElement('canvas')
const loadImg = function loadImg() {
frames.forEach((src, i) => {
const img = new Image()
img.onload = function (e, i) {
if (i === 0) {
cnv.width = img.width
cnv.height = img.height
frames[i] = this
if (loadCnt === frames.length) {
loadCnt = 0
}.bind(img, null, i)
img.src = src
var imageFix = function imageFix(i) {
const img = new Image()
img.onload = function (e, i) {
frames[i] = this
if (loadCnt === frames.length) {
cnv = null
successCB && successCB(delayTimes, loopCnt, frames)
} else {
img.src = cnv.toDataURL('image/gif')
/***/ },
/** *** */ ]))```