How do I retain the textures/materials in uploaded GLBs?

I am making a cyberpunk city overlay with AR, I want to put this model: Cyberpunk Futuristic building Kitbash Bundle_002 3D Model into my project.

What I am doing is I am only uploading the model.glb from that screenshot into my 8th wall project. However, 1. the model is not centered in the model preview and how do I center it? 2. How do I retain the textures into the GLB on 8th wall? so it isn’t a shiny white model.


Hello @William_Yeh

If you are just uploading a model you downloaded from the internet I wouldn’t suggest this route. Instead, you may want to open it up in a 3D modeling software such as Blender and center it within the scene then export it as a .glb when you are happy with its location.

You can certainly set position attributes in your 8th Wall project but having a centered 3D model before loading it into your project is good practice.

For 3D models with metallic surface you need to include a static or realtime cubemap for the reflections to appear. Take a look at the module here:

Without this, 3D models will just reflect blackness and look very dark.

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