How do we download projects locally to backup files?

I have a Pro account and cannot seem to find a way to easily backup our cloud-editor repositories locally. How do we do this?

Hello @Raymond_McCarthy_Ber at this time there is no way to β€œexport” an 8th Wall project. This is certainly great feedback for the internal team.

I would suggest posting this in the :studio_microphone: Feature Requests & Feedback channel

Does it mean if I close my account, all my work on 8th Wall will be lost?

Hello @YuChang_Fu this is not true. When stopping your 8th Wall account all your projects will still be in your workspace however, any public links will not be available and or will not have access to your projects.

However, once subscirption starts again you will have access to all of your past projects.

Thank you, @Ian . That’s good to know.