How to modify the permission screen

How can I change the permission screen to be in Portuguese? Or completely modify the screen?

You can read the following in the documentation:

You can read :

Importing XRExtras into Cloud Editor

OK. But I want to customize most of the screens that 8th wall has. To put them in Portuguese.

but it helped me a lot too.

I made a component for translating the loading pages. It’s utilizing my localization module.

// app.js

// Import of components and primitives
import { loadingLocalization } from './src/js/components/loadscreen/loading-localization.js';

// Register components and primitives
AFRAME.registerComponent('loading-localization', loadingLocalization);
<!-- body.html -->

// ./src/js/components/loadscreen/loading-localization.js

import { localize, getCurrentLanguage } from "../../utils/language-helper";

const loadingLocalization = {
  init() {
    const load = () => {
      const loadingScreen = document.getElementById('loadBackground');

      const cameraDeniedSafari = document.getElementById('cameraPermissionsErrorApple');
      const cameraDeniedAndroid = document.getElementById('cameraPermissionsErrorAndroid');
      const motionSensorDenied = document.getElementById('userPromptError');
      const motionSensorHardDenied = document.getElementById('motionPermissionsErrorApple');

      let inDom = false;

      const changeText = (element, str) => {
        if (element) { element.textContent = localize(str) }

      const changeHTML = (element, htmlStr) => {
        if (element) { element.innerHTML = htmlStr }

      // Adding elements to loading screen
      if (loadBackground) {
        const container = document.createElement('section');
        const dunkersLogo = document.createElement('img');
        const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
        const tagline = document.createElement('p');

        container.classList = 'welcome-screen normal center-text';
        logotype.classList = 'welcome-screen__logotype';
        h1.classList = 'welcome-screen__headline center-text';
        tagline.classList = 'center-text';

        logotype.src = `./img/logotype.png`;
        h1.innerHTML = `${localize('welcome_to')} <br/> <span class="bold">Nu och dΓ₯</span>`;
        tagline.textContent = localize('tagline');



      // Translating page that pops up if the user denies access to the camera on Android
      if (cameraDeniedAndroid && getCurrentLanguage != 'en') {
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('.loading-error-header'), 'camera_denied_android_header');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('li:nth-child(1)'), 'camera_denied_android_general_step1');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('li:nth-child(2)'), 'camera_denied_android_general_step2');

        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_android_step3');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_android_step4');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_android_step5');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_android_step6');

        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_samsung_step3');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_samsung_step4');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_samsung_step5');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector(''), 'camera_denied_samsung_step6');

        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('.loading-error-footer'), 'camera_denied_android_reload');

      // Translating page that pops up if the user denies access to the camera on Safari
      if (cameraDeniedSafari) {
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('#cameraPermissionsErrorAppleMessage'), 'camera_denied_reload');
        changeHTML(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('.bottom-message'), localize('camera_denied_safari_bottom') + '<span class="wk-app-name"></span>');

      // Translating when user denied the first motion sensor access question on Safari
      if (motionSensorDenied) {
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('h1'), 'motion_denied_header');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('p'), 'motion_denied_body');
        changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('button'), 'button_refresh');

        // Translating when user denied the second motion sensor access question on Safari
        if (motionSensorHardDenied) {
          changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('h1'), 'motion_denied_header');
          changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('p:first-of-type'), localize('motion_denied_body') + '<span class="wk-app-name"></span>');
          changeText(cameraDeniedAndroid.querySelector('p:last-of-type'), 'motion_hard_deny_body');

      // Translating and styling the gyro access request popup for Safari
      const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
        const promptBox = document.querySelector('.prompt-box-8w');

        if (promptBox) {
          if (!inDom) {
            const bodyEl = promptBox.querySelector('.prompt-box-8w p');
            const buttonCancel = promptBox.querySelector('.prompt-button-8w');
            const buttonPrimary = promptBox.querySelector('.button-primary-8w');
            const h2 = document.createElement('h2');

            h2.textContent = localize('safari_gyro_titel');
            promptBox.insertBefore(h2, bodyEl);

   = '0';
            buttonCancel.classList.value = '';
            buttonPrimary.classList.value = 'primary';

            changeText(bodyEl, 'safari_gyro_body');
            changeText(buttonCancel, 'button_cancel');
            changeText(buttonPrimary, 'button_approve');

          inDom = true;
        } else if (inDom) {
          inDom = false;
      observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true});

    window.XRExtras ? load() : window.addEventListener('xrextrasloaded', load)

export {loadingLocalization}

gave this error:

Build failed for [7976d3c] with errors:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../utils/language-helper' in '/tmp/src/awsolution.teste2'

I didn’t find this path anywhere.

that email you sent me. the link is the code that is in the path. Do I have to put that code in my project?

You also need to add the code from my localization module.

I added it but it still has the error

Build failed for [7976d3c] with errors:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../utils/language-helper' in '/tmp/src/awsolution.teste2'

You need to change this line so it points to the the correct path.

import { localize, getCurrentLanguage } from "../../utils/language-helper";

but now it won’t load. keeps loading forever. I already have code that makes augmented reality lighter. and all the things I have are now as light as possible.

I managed to switch from English to Portuguese. Using Importing XRExtras into Cloud Editor | 8th Wall and installing it in my program.
But I would really like you to detect the location and translate, that would help me a lot.

Well, my localization module already does that. You need to switch from Swedish to Portuguise:

// In addition to DEFAULT_LANGUAGE (English)
const supportedLanguages = {
  'pt-PT': 'pt',
  'pt': 'pt',