Image flickering issue in image tracker

Hi, I’m working on an image tracker based experience.
Which on detection of the tracker, auto-plays a video. But the issue is as soon as we change the tracker image the overlapped video is flickering too-much. Changing it’s rotation automatically that too just changing to a different image with the same tracker.

Sharing a screenshot of both stable and flickering tracks.

Looking forward to hear from the experts.

Thanks in advance.

what does your image target look like?

we could suggest making the image target tarcker better

We recommend using an image target with the following characteristics:

  1. No reflective surfaces
  2. Varied and abundant detail
  3. High image contrast
  4. Absence of repetitive patterns
  5. Minimal whitespace
  6. Preferably a photograph or image with high local contrast, as opposed to logos or vector-based graphics
  7. Avoid using images with excessive text

For further guidance on optimizing image target tracking, please refer to our documentation: 8th Wall

Additionally, you may find this youtube tutorial helpful

Also make sure the image target stays in the center view of the camera for best tracking.

Thank you so much for the response, but have checked it properly image tracker is is ticking all the check boxes.
It’s just as soon as I point the camera towards a different image with the same target image, same lighting condition, same image quality. Everything is almost identical.
Flicker is happening. Position and rotation of the placed image/ video is flickering on a stable tracker automatically.

Can you share a link to a video or a gif so that we can better understand what is happening please.

sure, here

Thank you for providing this video.

Taking a look, it seems that the image target tracks pertty well until you try to track a very small and low quality image which is what we would expect when tracking something like this. Image targets need to be high quality and larger images.

I would also note that your image target is of good quality but not great. I would suggest testing again with a higher quality image.