Issue running an 8thwall project 'Magic photos'

Hello! I’m using the ‘Magic photos’ (Magic Photos | 8th Wall | 8th Wall) sample project and the videos won’t autoplay. Any suggestions?


Are you currently on an iOS device? If yes, please check if the Low Power Mode is activated, as indicated by a yellow battery icon. It’s well-known that Apple devices may experience issues with video playback on websites when operating in Low Power Mode.

Another thing to keep in mind is if your videos have sound. Autoplay policies for videos with audio differ between browsers, such as Safari and Chrome. By default, Safari will only autoplay a video if it doesn’t have an audio track or if the video element includes the “muted” attribute. Playback will pause if the element gains an audio track or becomes unmuted without user interaction. You can find more information about Safari’s autoplay policies in the official Apple documentation.

For Chrome, autoplay with sound is allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (e.g., through a click or tap). More details about Chrome’s autoplay policy changes can be found in the Google Developers documentation.

If you’re looking for an example project that plays a video with sound when the user taps on an image target, you can check out Image Target Video With Sound | 8th Wall Playground | 8th Wall