Video not playing on ios

Hi there,
The video part of my AR experience is playing perfectly fine on android, but not on ios. tried with an iPad and iPhone, both. Only a blank screen appears, but that is bad news because the entire experience is that video animation that I created. I exported it in H.264 and its in MP4 format, compatible with all devices. I understand that some features like this will be disabled on low power mode with ios but is there a workaround? The video size is 89MB if that is of any help. Thanks so much!

Hello @Samyuktha_Vasudevan

First off I would strongly suggest optimizing your video asset. Using online optimizers such as handbrake ( you can certainly reduce video file size which should greatly help with initial loading time and playback of the video.

Secondly, iOS is notorius for video playback problems with low battery mode. Here is a sample project that can check for low power mode and set specific logic to help with this.

Lastly, if your video has sound and or you are autoplaying it. Autoplay policies for videos with audio differ between browsers, such as Safari and Chrome. By default, Safari will only autoplay a video if it doesn’t have an audio track or if the video element includes the “muted” attribute. Playback will pause if the element gains an audio track or becomes unmuted without user interaction. You can find more information about Safari’s autoplay policies in the official Apple documentation.

For Chrome, autoplay with sound is allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (e.g., through a click or tap). More details about Chrome’s autoplay policy changes can be found in the Google Developers documentation.

If you’re looking for an example project that plays a video with sound when the user taps on an image target, you can check out 8th Wall’s Playground example.

Hi Ian,
Thanks for replying! It was a video without sound but yes on getting the video size down and exporting it via canva I was able to play it on ios and android. Thanks! I have one more query though- When I scan the QR of the published experience, it ends up redirecting me here to the project page about 50% of the time and this happened on both ios and android. How can we stop this from happening and have it direct only to the published experience? The redirection is happening at random. The QR code definitely only has the published experience’s link, I copied the link to clipboard every time it scanned just to check. Please let me know, thanks so much :slight_smile:

I would reference this thread

You need to upgrade your plan. This may seem like it’s happening 50% of the time if the browser of your device has already cached some information. All new devices will be sent directly ot the project page if you are on starter plan still.