Model disappears thru animation

Hello, I have set a modell animation that is disappearing and reappearing during the animation, the model is working correctly as it has been checked in other programs/platforms.

it wont allow me to send a video of the problem.
This also happen on mobile preview
it’s driving me crazy as i have tried everything possible with the model, if you could help ill be glad, thank you!

Can you upload the model to Google Drive so I can take a look at it? Also feel free to take a video and upload it to YouTube and share that.

ill send a pm with model

After reviewing the model, I noticed that your particle system is integrated into the animation. I suggest separating the particles and the sleigh into two separate models, which are loaded and animated simultaneously.

The issue could stem from various factors, but given that the file size is approximately 64MB due to the animations, it is likely related to device memory. Additionally, it is possible that the particles are altering the model’s origin, causing it to move out of the camera’s culling area.

I would heavily consider replacing the baked in snow particles with three.js particles.

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i have tried withouth the particle system and also same result, i will send it again if you dont mind. the file with no particles is 3.29mb

Try changing this property on your camera (camera.far) to a value much larger, like 15000.

I’m afraid im not sure how to change that, i dont see it in body, all i have is a-camera and the position

Check out the syntax here for how to adjust the far plane.

@Samuel_Castillo you may also want to make sure your 3D model isn’t beign culled by camera.

I would reference this thread and verify

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ty, this fixed it. I created a no-cull.js, edited the app.js and added no-cull to my entity in body.html


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