Overlays become Black Boxes


It was working before, but now I’m having an issue. I have 5 images I’m using as targets and 3 images and 2 GLBs as overlays. The GLBs are working fine. My images do not. They were working before, but I must have changed something that is now causing the overlays to show a black rectangles rather than the intended image. Any ideas why this is happening. I’m guessing a syntax issue, but am unsure.

During troubleshooting I removed the images and added them back to the project. That had no effect.

Never mind. I solved the issue. I was using β€œa-asset-item” instead of β€œimg”. This got switched around when I started adding GLB files for practice.


    <a-asset-item id="octo" src="./assets/octo_coin_spin.glb"></a-asset-item>
    <img id="pullen" src="./assets/04_pullen_over.png" />


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