Recreating UV Animation After Exporting from Blender to 8th Wall


I’m new to 8th Wall and looking for advice on how to handle texture animation from Blender to 8th Wall.

In Blender, I animate an plane’s UVs to map to different parts of a texture atlas. However, when I export the scene as a .glb file, the UV animation doesn’t carry over.

Is there a good strategy or workflow to retain or recreate these texture changes in 8th Wall after importing the .glb file?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Antoinette_Bumatay-C texture animations from Blender are not compatable to web. You would need to do this via code dynamically.

Here are some examples of texture offset animations.

or another option is using a video as a texture too

What exactly does the UV animaiton look like in Blender? More info would be helpful.

It’s essentially an image of a mouth changing on a plane, timed to an audio track to give the illusion of speaking.

I’m going to try the video method. Thanks for the resources!

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