Roll back to saved version

Is there no way to roll back to the last saved version?

I’ve been making great progress but all of a sudden my project is not working, I’ve spent two hours trying to find the issue, but just before it crashed I landed a working version, is there no way to roll back to that last saved landed version?

Hello @Bill_Sullivan currently the cloud editor doesn’t have the ability revert to a past commit. This is something that isn’t possible but certainly will note this with the internal team.

If you have just made changes via the editor without making commits you could try clicking the hamburger menu on the top left of the text editor then clicking “revert to cloud save”.

Thanks Ian, I ended up using the land button to show what had been changed and item by item I reversed my way back to working model. It would be nice to be able to revert.

Fingers crossed it will come soon!!