Save and Build continually loops Build Started but never finishes

Hi there,

When I press “Save and Build”, it continually loops showing “Build started”, but never finishes the build. In the screenshot below, I’ve pressed Save and Build just one, but you can see multiple Build Started messages - these continue to appear over time.

I’ve also noticed that some of the GLB files aren’t showing within the built in viewer ( including newly uploaded files, and files that were there for a while )

I’ve attached a screenshot showing the repeated Build Started messages.

This means that I can’t test any updates to a prototype I’m working on - I tried closing and restarting the browser, doing an Abandon Changes etc but none of them worked.

Is there anything I can do at my end to get this working again?

Best regards…

OK, I think I’m seeing what’s causing the issue - importing the InWorld and Lightship Maps modules at the same time.

In order to try to figure this out, I started a project from scratch ( as cloning didn’t work ) and started copying files across, and then some of the modules ( not a fun task, but I’m up for trying anything here to get back to actual development ). When I started importing the first two modules that the project used, then the build stopped.

Here are some steps to try…

  • Create a new project, and clone eg the World Tracking prototype.
  • Add Inworld OR ( not both ) Lightship map module and build ( this works )
  • Add the other module, and build.

If you’re seeing the same results as I’m seeing, the build process never stops!

Hi Mal, let’s continue this conversation in our existing email thread.

Hiya Evan,

Just to confirm that the build process now works again - it was broke for about 2 weeks ( so I was unable to do any work with the project ), and now with no changes at my end it is working again. Hopefully something in the background has now been fixed :+1:

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