Since when can 8thwall execute on HoloLens 2?

Hi, Dev teams,

I first learned about this the other day when I was building an application using 8thwall. may be not officially, but 8thwall worked on HoloLens 2.
I know 8thwall support Meta Quest 3, but not HoloLens 2, right?
At least in the past, when I tried with HoloLens 2, I could not even launch the WebAR app I created with 8thwall.

For reference, I took a video in this time and will share the below.


Hi @Takahiro_Miyaura - 8th Wall has supported World Effects experiences on the HoloLens 2 since the initial release of Metaversal Deployment in November 2021. You can find some more details on this here:

You should even be able to launch and play hologram experience on the HoloLens 2: A-Frame: 4Dviews | 8th Wall | 8th Wall


Hi @Joel

Thanks for the info.
I think I saw this blog, but for some reason I assumed it would not work with HoloLens (I guess I tried at the time, but could not get it to work correctly).
And maybe this nice information is not well known. In any case, We enjoy to create the various experiences with 8thwall on multi devices :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me know!

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