Hi there - I have added a landing page to my studio project, I’m not sure if it’s just taking time to implement the changes or I have done something wrong but instead of seeing the landing page on desktop I just see the first frame of the game itself. I have made sure that the camera is set to mobile only and when I added the landing page module - I left all the settings on default. I rebuilt and landed the project but when I test it’s not working.
Thanks in advance!
If I remember correctly, the landing page module only impacts the published experience, not the development version that you get when building.
Hi George - thanks for the response again! I have tested with the published version (Studio: THE LAST PIN) and still nothing - could you tell me how the process of adding a landing page in Studio differs from the old process? This is my first time doing it so i’m completely unsure of the process aha!
Looks like this is a bug on our end, I’ll forward it to our engineering team.
Hi George, are there any updates here?
No specific updates to share, but I can confirm that the team is aware and looking into this.
Hey @GeorgeButler - hope you are well! just checking to see if there are any updates on this?
Hey Sam! No updates as of yet, the team has been really busy with our most recent launch of Maps for web. I’ll see if I can bump this up on our priorities list.