Support for Magic Leap 1 WebXR

With Magic Leap 1 now being sold for pretty cheap ( I got a brand new one, never out of the box, for under 100 quid! ), it’s a pretty good testing device for anyone on a budget wanting to try out the metaversal support in 8th Wall ( the device isn’t going to be officially supported after December this year )

A few A-Frame site WebXR demos I tried worked fine and went into immersive AR no problem ( showed Enter AR and correctly switched to immersive ).

For 8th Wall headset compatible content ( that works enters AR properly on Quest 3 and HoloLens 2 ), it doesn’t show the Enter AR button - instead, it shows the content floating in a web browser window.

It might be worth checking into, to enable more people to try out more devices - the User Agent for the Magic Leap 1 browser is Helios

It’ll be way down the list of priorities, but could be an easy fix ( as if anything is ever an easy fix lol )

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