Android Scaniverse

Hello. I was using scaniverse for Android and Wayfarer app until November 2024 when everything merged into Scaniverse.
I was using this tool as i don’t have any Apple OS development and I only use it for Android experiences. It’s been almost 3 months, i still pay my pro subscription but i have all of my projects on hold because i can’t offer what i was using to my clients. Is there any news about this? Last announce was in November 2024 and now we still have nothing. My due payment is on 12ths, so I really would like to know if I should cancel my subscription while you fix the Android environment. Because i don’t seem to have any use of 8th wall at all while this product is down. I’d really appreciate a sincere and honest answer to this regard. Thank you

Hi, sorry to hear you’re dealing with this issue. I’d encourage you to keep an eye on the thread here, on the Scaniverse forums: Important Update: Issues with Scaniverse Android Scans - Known Issues - Niantic Scaniverse Community