Important Update: issues with Scaniverse Android Scans

Hello everyone,

We want to bring an important issue to your attention regarding scans made with the Scaniverse app on Android devices, specifically that due to a technical issue with the current version of the Android app, scans are coming through as corrupted. As a result, any scans created and uploaded using this version are not able to be used for mapping purposes at this time.

What Are We Doing About It?
Our team is aware of this issue and is currently working on a fix, which we hope to release as soon as possible. We understand the frustration this may cause, and we sincerely apologize for any disruption to your scanning efforts.

What Should You Do?
For now, please refrain from creating and uploading scans using Scaniverse on Android as they will not be usable. If available to you and as a quick alternative, we recommend using Scaniverse on iOS devices. Otherwise, we plan to update this communication channel as soon as a fix has been deployed. We greatly appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue, and we remain committed to delivering the best possible experience for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

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Dear Android Scaniverse Developers,

Thanks to valuable feedback from Developers like you, we have investigated reports of distorted or poor quality mesh results from scans performed on Android devices. With your assistance, we’ve identified and isolated the cause of the problem and are actively working to resolve it.

In the meantime, we ask for your patience and understanding. We will update you as soon as possible!

Thank you.

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Dear Android-based VPS Developer,
We are pleased to share that we have addressed the issues impacting scan integrity on the Android version of Scaniverse for Developers.
Starting with the latest Android version of Scaniverse, 4.0.3, all app functionality should behave as desired and all uploaded scans should create valid maps for use with your VPS projects.
Our VPS mapping pipeline has been updated to ignore corrupted scans from earlier versions of Scaniverse Android as long as these scans have not already been merged and activated with other scans.
What you need to do:

  • If you uploaded scans to one of your VPS Project Wayspots with an earlier version of Scaniverse and requested VPS activation of the Wayspot, the safest option is to create a β€œfresh” new location and use that instead to prevent any of the corrupted scans from earlier versions of Scaniverse Android from impacting subsequent VPS activations.
  • If your VPS Project Wayspots have not had VPS activations using scans from an earlier version of Scaniverse Android, then no special action is required.

If you have any questions about your project, please contact
Niantic Support


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