Issues with the Wayfarer app and finding test scans in the 8th Wall Geospatial Browser

Is anyone having issues with getting access ( via the 8th Wall Geospatial Browser ) to test scans taken on the Wayfarer app?

When I previously created a Private scan and uploaded it, a wayspot ( and associated icon ) was automatically generated for it somewhere near the scan location, and I could see and access it within 5 to 30 minutes in the 8th Wall Geospatial Browser.

Note that private scans were renamed recently to Test scans, when you are given the option to upload in an update to the Wayfarer app.

When taking test scans these don’t seem to be appearing at all. Note that the scans I took ages ago when the app called them Private appear OK.

Myself and a project partner tried creating Test scans logged in under two separate accounts a few days ago, and were having issues ( nothing appeared in the 8th Wall Geospatial Browser ). We’ve just tried again ( we left it a few days, just to give time for the test scans to get processed ), and the previous scans aren’t showing, and the new scans taken today aren’t showing either.

Has anyone else had issues ( or successes ) taking test scans with the updated version of the Wayfarer app, and seeing those scan wayspots on the 8th Wall Geospatial Browser?

Many thanks for any help you can give on this!

Hi Mal!

Did you verify the right workspace is selected from the Profile page in the Wayfarer app?

Do you see the test scans in the list when you click on the Test Scans tab in the geospatial browser?

Hiya Evan,

The test scans are appearing now for both of us - thanks for the prompt about being in the right workspace that was the main issue!

For anyone wanting to check this, load up the Wayfarer app and click on the Profile tab in the bottom right. Make sure you see the text β€œ8th Wall Workspace” above your account name ( otherwise you’ve logged in using your Niantic account ), and make sure the account name is the same one that you want to see the test scans in!

Many thanks for your help Evan!

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