How to Stabilize Jittering of 3D Objects in AR Using Absolute Scale

Hi everyone,

I’ve been working on a markerless AR project using absolute scale to place 3D objects with their real-world dimensions. Despite the mobile device being stationary, I’ve noticed that these objects tend to tremble. This issue is especially prominent with larger vertical 3d objects like walls or trees.

In debug mode, the constant minor adjustments to the detected plane (often labeled as “8floor”) are visible. These adjustments oscillate by about ±0.5° in varing angles from one frame to the next, causing the object to appear unstable. Additionally, I am using a coaching overlay in this project for the initial mapping.

Is there a way to smooth out these SLAM update changes to reduce or eliminate the jitter? I would appreciate any suggestions or settings adjustments that could help stabilize the AR experience.


Btw, i used this as base:

Our engine works best in environments with more tracking points. The ground typically has the most number of feature points and non-repeating textures (concrete cracks, carpet fiber, scuff marks, etc). Along with ample lighting conditions.

This will certainly help with any jitters. That being said we have received feedback for the jitter of larger 3D models, especially when close up to them and have reported this to the internal team to investigate further.

If possible pls add to the XR8 the “anchor” feature that was added to the WebXR last year, that remove 99% of the jitters even in bad environments.