Jitter from image markers and stablizing ar content

Hi ,

I am testing image targets to overlay ar content onto a 2 m statue …
The issue that I’m seeing is that our " image marker " at the base gets a lot of jitter , and what seems to be accumulation of errors in the maths used to determine the up - vector. For example we have a square 3d marker on the ground …

This is able to be acquired ok once its big enough in the camera frame ( 0.5 - 1 m distance ) however " 8th wall " continues to keep updating the marker position. The small angular errors from the new calculations on each successive frame. Then cause our tall 3d object to shift around …

— I would like to know :

  1. If there is a way to disable " marker tracking " …
    Once we have grabbed the up - direction from the ground plane …
    So it doesn’t shake and jitter on camera update …

  2. How to always get the correct up - direction with a ground marker …
    Can I just grab the direction from the " ground plane " detected ?
    Sometime it starts in the wrong orientation …

Thank you !

You could try using SLAM when the xrimagefound event is fired as shown in the example project here;

or our Image Target + SLAM here:

If this is a public location I would suggest using VPS.

Example project here: https://www.8thwall.com/8thwall/vps-bespoke

Ok thanks Ian appreciate the quick response …
I’ll try using " image targets " to slam and see how that goes. However is there a way to grab the transform - rotations , from the " ground plane " surface ? Eg. we know the " ground plane " orientation is going to be a lot more stable. Than the " image target " orientation , since its a large plane area and is affected less by size in camera …

I don’t know if this can help, but here’s a possible solution in another sector of this forum:


— Thanks Rickard ! I saw that as well , its a good post …
Now dealing with " 8th wall " slam and my origin moving around …