Is it possible to create multiple workspaces?

Hello, my question might be obvious, but I could not find the info or option anywhere - is it possible to create multiple workspaces for one account? The aim is to have a bigger client on a separate workspace and have the project url according to it.


It’s not possible to create additional workspaces for an existing user. However, there are still some good options here:

  1. Have the client sign up for an account and create their own workspace. They can then invite you as a member of their workspace via the Team page. This way, they “own” the account and manage billing, etc - but you can develop for them. Note that if you are a member of their workspace, you’ll have access to every project inside.
  1. Or, if the client only wants you to only work on a specific project, they can still create their own account/workspace, but rather than inviting you to the workspace directly, they can create a project and share that specific project with your workspace:

Details here: Project Sharing | 8th Wall

  1. Finally, you could technically create a brand new account using a different email address for use with these specific client projects, but then you are managing multiple logins and I don’t particularly recommend that. Just FYI

Hope this helps!


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Thank you very much for the useful info.

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