Private scans from GSB not showing in studio

I have a private scan through the GSB on the Scaniverse app, uploaded to GSB which shows as activated, but I cannot see it in Studio. Logged in on same account with only one workspace. Does it need to be public to display in the Studio GSB?

It should show up, can you provide details about the location or a screenshot of it from the GSB?

so my test scan is at 53.414036,-3.1136534 although I don’t know if that will be helpful!
Ive attached a couple of screenshots showing it appearing in the GSB but not in the GSB within the studio project. Hope this helps but let me know if I can provide anything further?

You’ll need to link your Scaniverse/Lightship account with 8th Wall and make sure you’re using the same workspace in the Scaniverse GSB.

For instructions on connecting the accounts, check out this forum post:

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