VPS Remote deployment from Studio


How do I remotely test a wayspot in studio on my phone? As in not from the simulator. Like mentioned here for the cloud editor: Lightship VPS | 8th Wall


  • Tyler

Hey Tyler,

You can do this in Studio by clicking Connect Device and scanning the QR Code with Debug Mode enabled. Then you’ll see the experience show up on your device where you can bring it to the location for testing.

If you want to test remotely on your mobile device, you can follow similar steps as the referenced documentation.

  1. Add the location mesh to the project (make sure it is not a child of the location), make sure it’s in view of the camera
  2. Disable VPS on the Camera from the properties panel
  3. Add content as a child of the location mesh
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Awesome thank you Evan I got it working. How would I then achieve absolute scale in Studio?

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