I’m trying to understand what is the correct license to purchase in order to be able to use 8thWall’s tracking solution in other WebAR deployment platforms such as Wonderland Engine.
Wonderland is a 3D engine for the Web and they’re agnostic to tracking solutions (they support free ones like MindAR and paid ones like 8thWall).
Would I have to purchase a Pro Plan + pay for a commercial license per project? Even if I’m only leveraging the tracking solution and not the entire 8thWall ecosystem?
To use 8th Wall with third-party engines (PlayCanvas, Wonderland, etc) where you aren’t developing in our Editor or Studio, you’ll need to be on the Pro plan.
You can upgrade via the Account
page of your workspace.
Regarding licenses, this depends on your use case - see the Pricing Page FAQ for details on what does/doesn’t require a commercial license.