World Tracking not working on some (older) devices

Hi there,

The world tracking currently does not work on my older phone. Phone is Samsung Galaxy S10 running Android 12 (latest available OS updates). Unsure when this issue happened as it is my primary/personal phone and seldomly used to test AR projects. I do know that some time ago the AR projects we had created was working on my personal phone back then. It does works fine on my work phone which is a Samsung Galaxy S22 running Android 14.

This is not just happening on our own projects (aframe 1.4.1 per the meta tag in the project), but even from your demo projects. I’ve tried the world tracking portal one (aframe 1.2.0), and when I tap on the screen to make the portal appear, the instruction test disappears but I do not see the portal.

While I do not have a root cause for this, I have noticed that the rotation values (more notably the z-index) is changing rapidly, even when I held the phone as steady as possible and/or have it on my wireless charging stand.

My phone isn’t 5 years old yet (to me it isn’t but it’s getting close). Is the minimum device/hardware/software already past the specs of my phone?


@Evan This is the new topic post that we were trying to debug albeit not successful, now as a new post from Terminating: Residual and Jacobian evaluation failed - #6 by Jack_Pilley.